What Issues Can Psychotherapy Address?

Feb 01, 2024
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Psychotherapy has a history as a highly effective treatment for mental health concerns and other issues that affect a person’s emotional well-being and quality of life. Read on to learn the basics of psychotherapy and how it could help you.

Psychotherapy is a cornerstone of mental health care, providing supportive guidance while also empowering people to find solutions that help them cope and thrive. Yet despite its effectiveness, psychotherapy is sometimes viewed with skepticism, primarily because many people don’t understand how it “works.”

At The Marcann Group, our team offers psychotherapy services for people of all ages in Glendale, Sun City West, and Phoenix, Arizona. We provide a compassionate and patient-centered approach focused on your unique needs. Read on to learn what psychotherapy is, what it can treat, and how it helps you lead a healthier life.

Psychotherapy 101

Sometimes called talk therapy, psychotherapy includes a variety of therapeutic techniques focused on helping people manage mental health conditions and overcome obstacles interfering with their health and quality of life.

Although the nickname “talk therapy” implies treatments focusing solely on talking through problems, psychotherapy actually includes a variety of techniques that can be combined and adjusted based on your unique needs and goals.

Cognitive behavioral therapy, group therapy, couples therapy, and family therapy are all types of psychotherapy that use different techniques and approaches. Our team is skilled in identifying optimal therapies for each person.

What psychotherapy treats

Psychotherapy is used on its own or in combination with medication and other therapies to treat an array of mental health conditions, including the following:


Anxiety is a chronic condition marked by intense fear or worry. There are many anxiety disorders, including separation anxiety, social anxiety, panic disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder. 

Psychotherapy helps you explore the underlying causes of your anxious feelings, encouraging coping strategies and positive thought patterns. 


Depression is a common mental health disorder associated with unrelenting feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and low self-worth. Psychotherapy plays a pivotal role in helping people manage their depression symptoms and learn new, positive behaviors, especially when used in combination with medication therapy.

Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is associated with unusual alterations in a person's mood and energy levels, ranging from manic “highs” to depressive “lows.” The intensity of these mood changes varies from one person to another.

Psychotherapy is often used in combination with medication to level out mood fluctuations and help individuals learn positive behaviors while challenging unhealthy thought patterns.


Substance abuse and addiction disorders involve intense cravings for drugs or alcohol with consequences that can be disruptive and even devastating for a person’s physical and emotional health. 

Addiction is complex, and psychotherapy helps people understand the triggers that drive their addictive behaviors, as well as learn coping mechanisms to help overcome them.

Improve your quality of life

Beyond mental health treatment, psychotherapy helps people improve their mental well-being and their overall quality of life by teaching real-life skills focused on:

  • Relieving stress and anxiety
  • Improving relationships
  • Managing interpersonal conflicts
  • Dealing with past issues and traumas
  • Coping with major life changes
  • “Kicking” bad habits and unhealthy behaviors

Best of all, we offer therapy at our offices and via telehealth, creating a safe, supportive, nonjudgmental space where you can openly discuss your concerns.

Psychotherapy encompasses many therapeutic techniques that help you lead a happier, healthier, more balanced life. To learn more, book an appointment online or over the phone with the team at The Marcann Group today.