4 Myths About Depression Debunked

Jul 02, 2023
4 Myths About Depression Debunked
Millions of Americans struggle with depression, but while recognition of depression has increased, many myths still persist. This blog dispels four myths that could be keeping you from getting treatment.

Everyone gets sad from time to time, but clinical depression is different. People who are clinically depressed have persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and low self-worth, sometimes accompanied by thoughts of self-harm or suicide. 

Depression affects millions of Americans, from kids to seniors. Although it’s common, depression is widely misunderstood, surrounded by myths and misunderstandings that may keep some people from seeking treatment.

As leading providers of mental health services in Glendale and Phoenix, Arizona, the team at The Marcann Group offers cutting-edge depression treatment featuring traditional and novel therapies, tailoring every treatment plan to your unique needs. In this post, our team busts four common myths that could keep you from getting treatment.

1. Depression is a sign of weakness

Fortunately, this is one myth that seems to be declining, thanks to greater awareness of depression as a real medical problem and not a sign of emotional weakness. It’s also not something you can “snap out of” by counting your blessings or focusing on the positive aspects of life.

Depression involves an array of chemical and physiological responses that can alter not only your mood but also your energy, ability to concentrate, willingness to socialize, and performance at work and school. 

Trying to manage depression on your own without professional assistance is no different than trying to treat a chronic disease, like diabetes or heart disease, by yourself. Like other chronic medical problems, depression requires medical treatment and support to manage its symptoms and improve your quality of life.

2. If you’re depressed, antidepressants will make you “better”

Antidepressant medications can be extremely effective in helping many people manage their depression, but they don’t work for everyone. Some people with depression need to try different antidepressant medications until they find one that works. 

Many people benefit from a combination of antidepressants and psychotherapy, including group therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy. Others need a different type of treatment, like transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) — a noninvasive treatment that uses magnetic energy to stimulate specific areas of the brain. TMS has proven very effective when antidepressants don’t work (a condition called treatment-resistant depression).

Regardless of which therapy you use, many people with depression require ongoing therapy to help them manage their symptoms. Regular visits with our team ensure your therapy stays on track as your needs change over time.

3. Taking antidepressants changes who you are

To the extent that antidepressants can help you cope with stress and lead a happier or more contented life, that’s true. But this myth typically refers to an alleged loss of creativity or a personality change claimed to be linked with these medications.

That link is absolutely not true. Antidepressants don’t affect your creativity or personality, although you certainly may find you’re more inclined to be social or have a more positive outlook once the medications take effect.

4. There’s only one cause of depression

Like other mental health issues, depression is a complex condition. Many issues can contribute to depression, including chemical imbalances, social isolation, abuse, trauma, and other genetic, biological, and environmental factors. 

Furthermore, depression symptoms can vary and range from mild to severe. Depression can also occur with other mental health issues, like anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder

Because depression affects people differently, customized therapy is imperative. Our team works closely with every patient to create a treatment plan focused on each person’s symptoms, risk factors, lifestyle, and other factors for optimal results.

If you’re experiencing depression, we can help. To learn more, book an appointment online or over the phone with our team at The Marcann Group today.